Monday 8 April 2013

Sixth Form VS College

I think this time last year I was debating on whether to go to Sixth form or College. So I'll be listing the pros and cons below:

Pros for Sixth Form:

You can wear whatever you want and wear however much make up you want, you are free to express who you are.

You have SO much support whether it being from your tutor, the head of Sixth Form, the deputy head of the sixth form or even the counsellors.

If you're thinking of doing A Levels i'd recommend going to sixth form as I think Sixth forms are more A Level orientated  and there is a strong focus on them as well. 

You also may have free periods, where teachers 'expect' you to do homework or further reading in the common room, although some common rooms have more of a social setting so don't feel you have to do your work in there unless you haven't done the homework for the teacher you have next, then it's probably a good idea to do it then!

Cons for Sixth Form:

Sixth forms are mostly based around a Levels and some sixth forms do Level 2 BTECS, so be prepared for the amount of work you have to do and the intensity of the work you have to do, as A Levels are significantly harder than GCSE's and require a lot more time and effort than GCSE's. 

You have a lot more responsibility than school, if you fail your A-levels you can't blame it on someone else, it's your fault for not making sure you were familiar with everything in it. If you don't get to school one day, the response "I woke up late so I stayed in bed" won't work. This is real life, you are a mini adult and have to be responsible for your own actions and choices.

Right lets crack on with college!

Pros for College:

Just like Sixth Form, you can wear whatever you want and wear however much make up you want, you are free to express who you are

College has more vocational courses such as brick building, hair and beauty, health and social care etc. These courses are more practical and suit anyone especially those who didn't like GCSE's as they were stuck behind a desk most of the time and preferred to be doing practical. If you are one of those people then COLLEGE IS FOR YOU!

Cons for College:

If you're doing A levels I think college is a lot more vocational course orientated and you might not get all the support you need, which I think is essential for taking A Levels

Also like Sixth Form, you have a lot more responsibility and in essence you are a mini adults. Although College I feel college is a lot more laid back with rules and things and they don't contact your parents if you're late or are absent etc.

However, choosing between a Sixth Form or College all depends on travel arrangements, career aspirations, if you want to stay with your friends or if you want to be own your own and meet completely new people etc.

Sam x

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