Sunday 7 April 2013


Heey! So I thought I'd start writing a blog and this will be a sort of introduction to me and what i'm about. (Thought I'd do it in bullet points as it will be easier)  So lets get cracking!

I'm 16 years old
I live in England
 I have two cats called Fudge & Pepsi (cringey names but I named them when I was in year 6)

(Fudge is on the left and Pepsi is on the right, I apologise for the rubbish quality)

I'm currently at Sixth Form and I'm studying A Level Psychology, Sociology and Dance.
 I also work at Marks and Spencer and I have been since November 2O12
 I also LOVE any programme that is on E4 like How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, Revenge, Made In Chelsea etc.
 I have also done quite a bit of travelling in the last 4-5 years or so, in year 8 I went to the Ardeche which is in the south of France, Switzerland in 2O1O, New York and Africa in 2011 and last year I went to Singapore and Malaysia.

(This photo is taken in Borneo, Malaysia)

(This photo is taken in Borneo, Malaysia)

Some future blogs will include reviews on products, my abroad experiences etc, thanks for reading!

You can find me on twitter:

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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