Thursday 16 May 2013

The Wanderlust tag

I decided to do this tag after watching Estée's video, I've been to a quite a few places and thought this tag would be a good one to do. I tag you all. 

1. Your most treasured passport stamp?
Ooh. that's tricky, probably my Singapore one after I picked up my passport on the day of flying there.

2. Can you recite your passport from memory if asked? 
No, there is too much important things to remember nowadays like phone numbers, passwords, pins etc..

3. Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or automobiles?
I like planes because they have mini TV's and the food is okay but halfway through the flight I have a fear of the plane crashing. Although I do like trains as they are just cool especially for the scenery, when I was in Switzerland on my way to Jungfrau the views were immense. I don't mind travelling by car/coach but I would prefer not to as I tend to get travel sick. 

4. Top 3 travel items?
Camera to capture the memories, Notebook to jot down how something smelt, the atmosphere etc or to express something that pictures couldn't and food/drink to give you energy.

5. Hostel or hotel?
I prefer hotels as you get your own room and bathroom but I like hostels too, I've only ever stayed in one hostel which was in New York and it was so nice, it was in a great location too. I also met some amazing people.

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?
I would prefer to explore as much of the world as I can but it depends on what the place has to offer, like I think I've only seen half of New York so I would go back to see the rest.

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture, history,safety) or do you wing it?
Yes, I become obsessed with it, I spend hours on end reading up on the place.

8. Favourite travel website?
Trip Advisor and random travel blogs that I come across.

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name city & why?
New York, It's just an amazing place to go. It's suitable for everyone. There are so many restaurants, bars, shops, tourist attractions etc.

10. You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?A huge tour of Europe, I'd go to France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia etc..

What are your favourite countries?

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