Sunday 26 May 2013

My 11 things to do this summer!

Summer is very slowly approaching so I thought I would write a list of my 10 things that I'm to do this summer(well that's if we get one anyway!) some of these aren't very interesting but hay-ho I included them in anyway.

1. Get a couple of friends together and chill out in a park, harbour or on the beach.

(Harbour Festival 2011)

2. See all my friends that I never had time to because of being so busy with sixth form and work.

3. Go camping with friends either in a back garden or in a caravan park.

4. Take a photo everyday and document it at the end of summer. I often print out the best photos and stick them on my wall.

5. Have as many caramel frappuccinos as I can get my hands on, I freaking love them and are my favourite iced beverage.

6. This stems on from number 1 but go to the beach as summer wouldn't be summer without the feeling of sand in between my toes and having a stick of rock and spending my money on coin machines.

7. This is a random one but have a bus day, get on loads of buses and venture out to new places and get lost along the way.

8. Have a movie night, nothings better than chilling with a couple of friends and watching movies all night.

9. Give yourself a makeover either being changing your hairstyle, dyeing your hair, experimenting with new clothes or make-up etc.

10. Go to a water park or theme park.

11. Have a BBQ.

These are my 10 things to do this summer, what are yours?

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