Monday 6 January 2014

New Year Resolutions

Hey guys, today I thought I would share my new years resolutions with you all, I don't tend to start my resolutions until I go back to Sixth Form as I'm still in 'holiday' mood and I won't get out of it until  I go back, so my resolutions start today. I have three in total so lets get cracking!

01. Drink More Water And Less Diet Coke. 
During my last term at Sixth Form, every now and then I swapped my Diet Coke bottle with a bottle of flavoured water and I could feel the difference in my body and skin, so I really want to continue with that as my body will thank me for it later on. Now, I am a huge lover of diet coke and fizzy drinks, I could drink two bottles a day if I had the chance. And I know it's bad for my teeth and health and is probably prolonging me from having my braces taken off, which is why I want to cut back on the amount I drink, so from this day forward I will only drink Diet Coke if it's a special occasion like seeing family or going out for a meal etc. 

02.Switch It Up A Little.
I am stuck in a style rut, every morning I will pull out a pair of leggings(sometimes jeans), a jumper and a statement necklace and a pair of boots and I'm out the door, so this year I want to switch it up and wear skirts and dresses more often. Another thing I want to do is get out of my monochrome phase, I love wearing black purely because I think it suits me but I use the reasoning 'It goes with everything' which I can imagine is annoying to hear as it's annoying to say..

03. Do Some Exercise.
Ever since Sixth Form I'm more lazier than ever and super unfit, I can get out of breath just by running just 20 steps down my road.. So I'm going to start going swimming, I loved swimming as a child so I want to continue with it another thing I want to do is squats and sit ups which will help to tone my stomach and thighs.

What are your New Years Resolutions?
Sam x

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