Sunday, 29 September 2013

Sunday Playlist

Hey guys, hope you are all well. I have a different post for you today, and this comes in the form of what music I am loving this week, all the music mentioned I have been listening to non-stop. I've been really loving the dance/r'n'b vibe this week, as I am a sucker for a good beat that makes me want to fist pump. So here are a list of my favourites songs at the moment.

What are your favourite songs at the moment?
Sam x

Friday, 27 September 2013

The Body Shop Body Butters

Hey guys, I love pretty much everything from The Body Shop, and their body butters are no exception. I have two already, I have a Satsuma one and a Pink Grapefruit one. I'm quite sceptical when it comes to body products as I don't want it to irritate my eczema but the body butters don't at all.

They both smell incredible the grapefruit one smells very zingy like and the satsuma one smells edible also the scent stays on the skin for such a long time, I applied it before an eight hour shift at work and when I had got home my mum could still smell it and thought I had put some more on, they both just melt onto the skin and feel very moisturising. It's really creamy so it means that a small amount will go a long way although the pink grapefruit body butter isn't as creamy as the satsuma one but I can get over that fact as the scent is just amazing. I'm already eyeing up another body butter and a fragrance to go alongside the body butter.

Pink Grapefruit


They're priced for £13.00 which is mid range for a body butter but it isn't as expensive as others, yes Diptyque I'm looking at you.. However The Body Shop always have an amazing offer like 20/40% off so it's impossible to spend the full price on one of these.

What's your favourite scent from the body shop?
Sam x

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Time For A Watch

Hey guys, I apologise now for the random post but here it goes I've never really needed a watch as I've always had my phone or iPod on me at all times, but recently I've been finding myself needing one. I didn't want to get an expensive one as I've never really got on with watches as I would wear it everyday for a week and then after that forget I had it and by the time I needed to use it again the battery would have died. So we popped into Argos, and I found this gem.

The thing that drawn me most to this watch is that it looked like a bracelet and it also looked like it would fit my small wrist which it did, result! Another thing that made me love it more was the cool packaging and the three bracelets that came with it, not to mention the price tag at the time I bought it, it was £14.99 and then my mum gave me a £10 gift voucher so in the end I paid £4.99. What a bargain!

Sam x

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Nail Of The Day #4

Hey guys, today I thought I would show you a quick nail of the day. On my nails today I'm wearing Rimmel's Salon Pro with Lycra in '312 Ultra Violet'

What nail colour are you wearing?
Sam x

Monday, 16 September 2013

Topshop Nails Review

Hey guys, today I'm reviewing a glitter delight from Topshop.

I've never really been on the glitter bandwagon until now and that's because this plain silver glitter goes on top of everything and it can make the nail varnish look 100 times better.

 For instance take a black nail varnish, which scares me massively but with a coat of the glitter, I would happily walk out the house with it on. It also goes nicely on pinks, blues, greens, reds etc.

Top row L-R; Barry M 'Bright Red', Rimmel Lycra Pro 'Pink Of Me', Topshop 'Air Kisses'
Bottom Row L-R; Barry M 'Greenberry', Maybelline Color Show 'Bubblicious', Barry M 'Black'

It applies well although I did use two coats to get the right amount of glitter I like on my nails. It lasted 2-4 days which is a pretty standard amount of time for nail polish to last on my nails, my only bugbear with this nail polish is that its a bugger to get off! 

What's your favourite glitter nail polish?
Sam x

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Time Off

Hey guys, 

I apologise about the lack of blog posts in the last month but I've taken some time off to relax and think about my blog and what I want from it, I know that probably seems daft as I've only been blogging for five months but in my head I felt I needed to, but anyway I'm back!

I have put a rough blogging schedule in my diary so I should(fingers crossed) be putting up 1-3 blog posts a week. My Monday motivational image will be back, I'll do one review a week although some weeks I could be putting two up depending on the products mentioned and then a random post a week

Hope you're enjoying your weekend,
Sam x