Wednesday 31 July 2013

31 Day Snap #30 A Major Disaster And Melted Ice-cream

Today, I had work (surprise surprise!) all was going well until I wanted to have a look on our ipad to see how much something was but turns out one of my colleagues had taken the ipad out of the case but left it on top of the case so when I picked up the ipad case thinking the ipad was in there, it slid down the till table and landed straight on the floor, and I have a strong suspicion it is now broke.. As I felt so bad and awful I went to my nearest Asda and bought as much junk food as I could to make myself feel not as bad, I picked up, crisps, sweets, ice lollies and a pot of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice-cream, which was extremely melted to the point where I drank half of it!

What have you done today?
Sam x

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