Tuesday 16 July 2013

31 Day Snap #16 Ready Steady Cook

Tonight, I met up with a few of friends and we decided to do our own Ready Steady Cook. In our bag we had an onion, two potatoes, two carrots, two tomatoes diced beef, a beef stock cube, a loaf of bread and flour. We also had a 'stock cupboard' which contained eggs, milk, water, lemon juice, rice, greaseproof paper, tin foil, chopping boards, bowls and knives etc. My friend and I decided to make a beef stew/casserole with a jacket potato and for dessert we would have eggybread. Although the jacket potato failed so we ended up making cheesy mash and we didn't have time/couldn't be bothered to make the eggybread.

My friends fruit salad for dessert.

What have you done toady?
Sam x

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