Monday 17 March 2014

Favourite Pins #1 Saint Patrick's Day

Hey guys, today I'm going to talk about the love of my life at the minute and that is Pinterest, I'm obsessed with the architecture, interior design, fashion and of course the food. But as today is St Patrick's day, I thought I would share with you my favourite pins for this occasion.

Top Left: I love having quotes in photo frames as I think it has a really nice effect and I thought that was a really cute idea and I think it would look so good in a rustic frame as well.

Middle: A cheeky little cocktail that looks very nice and you can find the recipe here.

Top Right: How cute is that design?

Bottom Left: No words apart from gimme some!

Bottom Right: This would be such a good idea for children or as a good bag for a party.

All of these pins and a few extra are on my Saint Patrick's Day board which you can find here.

Have a good evening!
Sam x

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